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Pilates Pathway
​​Health, Fitness, Stre​ngth, Bala​nce & Flexibility ​
Personal Pilates, 1167 Main St.
Warwick. R.I. 02886.
Christina offers apparatus/equipment sessions - individual and small group sessions.
Pilates Stretch, Flex and Tone Group Mat Class.
Your Office or Corporation​
Life is busy, the demands of work and family leave you with zippo
time to get to the gym or studio for exercise. We will come to you for
a series of 50 minute lunch time workouts.
​Pilates West Bay, 5 Division St.
East Greenwich. R.I. 02818.
Ellen offer apparatus/equipment sessions - individual and small group sessions.

Studios where you can find Christina and Ellen's
Pilates Pathway Classes and Sessions
Christina (203) 623-4802 Ellen (401) 862-0649
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