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​Use your lunch time to full advantage,

let us come to your workplace or your home and conduct a 50 minute session.




Here is how this works for your WORKPLACE. Form a small group of like minded individuals  who are willing to commit to an 8 week series of Pilates mat classes on a consistent basis.  Find a quiet place for 6-8 employees to work on mats without interruption for 50 minutes. All will be energized and feeling refreshed, not hot and sweaty, really a perfect segway to a busy afternoon.


You may wish to contact your human resources administrator about their wellness program incentives, or even set up an easy payroll deduction for the class fees.


The TAKE OUT PILATES workplace program series cost is $120.00 per person. As a small group is optimal and the mat class is progressive, no refunds for cancellations.



The at HOME is available for individual private sessions $65.00 per session.

You can also form a small group of 4 - 8 family and friends (space permitting) $15.00 pp. Cancellations need 24 hrs notice. Minimum 4 per class.


What do you need for TAKE OUT PILATES, loose fitting comfortable clothing, socks and a Pilates/Yoga mat - we will advise you on the best mat for your class, available approx $16.00.


TAKE OUT PILATES is available for offices, corporations and at home in Warwick, Coventry, East Greenwich, North Kingstown, Jamestown and Newport R.I.


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